About Us

The Speech and Hearing Association Nepal (SHAN) is a professional and scientific association established in 1999, comprising over 70 members. Dedicated to speech language pathologists and audiologists, SHAN promotes and advocates for the hearing, speech, and language professions, along with rehabilitation services. The association plays a vital role in monitoring professionals, encouraging research, and providing continuing rehabilitation education (CRE). SHAN has organized numerous conferences, CRE opportunities, awareness rallies, and camps to raise awareness and enhance the field of speech and hearing.

SHAN currently boasts 63 life members, 29 associate members, and 2 foreign members. In addition to SHAN, other notable associations in Nepal include the Cochlear Implant Nepal Group (CING) and the Society of Otolaryngologists Nepal (SOL). CING focuses on cochlear implant patients, aiming to raise awareness and secure government support. CING successfully obtained funding for cochlear implants, with the government bearing 50% of the cost. However, the availability of cochlear implants remains limited mainly to Kathmandu, and post-implantation rehabilitation services are constrained.

SOL primarily serves ENT surgeons, with audiologists and speech-language pathologists as associate members. Collaboratively, SHAN, CING, and SOL organize events and awareness programs annually to commemorate World Hearing Day on March 3rd. SHAN has also hosted two national conferences, the most recent one taking place in 2017.


Unleash the Power of Communication:
Together with SHAN, Let's Make Every Voice Heard!